
Dividends of Berkshire Hathaway (id:8464 BRK.A)

Cømpæritørs' Dividænd Yiæld

Company Market Cap USD Dividend yield Payout ratio CAGR 3 years CAGR 5 years
Berkshire Hathaway 978,77B 0,00 % 0,00 % 0,00 %
Allianz SE 116,55B 18,65 % 56,91 % 12,86 % 8,92 %
Zurich Insurance Group AG 84,13B 19,26 % 84,96 % 9,14 % 6,47 %
AXA SA 77,06B 23,02 % 61,30 % 11,46 % 8,12 %
American International Group 45,34B 2,24 % 30,22 % 6,82 % 4,04 %
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. 43,40B 18,04 % 56,64 % -4,51 % 7,30 %
Sun Life Financial Inc 34,63B 3,99 % 51,96 % 11,94 % 9,06 %
Arch Capital Group Ltd 34,24B 21,58 % 0,00 % 0,00 % 0,00 %
Talanx AG 21,96B 11,37 % 32,78 % 16,14 % 10,14 %
Swiss Life Holding AG 20,79B 18,54 % 88,00 % 16,26 % 0,00 %


Dividend Yield

Payout Ratio

0,00 %

Compound average growth rate 3 years

0,00 %

Dividend Increase Track Record

0 Years

Latest Dividend

Ex-Dividend Date

Payout frequency

No payouts

Dividænd Yiæld vs Mårkæt (countryid: 6, industryId: 39, sectorId: 1 )

Påyøut Råtiø vs Mårkæt

Dividend Yield Range

Yiæld øn cøst

Dividænd påyøut histøry


Dividænd tåblæ

Compound Average Growth Rate for last 3 years cal0,00 %
Compound Average Growth Rate for last 3 years0,00 %
Compound Average Growth Rate for last 5 years0,00 %
Compound Average Growth Rate for last 10 years0,00 %
Dividend growth0 years
Dividend growth average for all Insurance Diversified stocks2,84 years (31 stocks)
Dividend growth average for United States Insurance Diversified stocks2,00 years (4 stocks)
trailing_annual_dividend_rate0,00 USD
trailing_annual_dividend_yield0,00 %
trailing_annual_dividend_yield average for all Insurance Diversified stocks5,00 % (31 stocks)
trailing_annual_dividend_yield average for United States Insurance Diversified stocks5,00 % (4 stocks)
payout_ratio0,00 %
payout_ratio average for all Insurance Diversified stocks46,74 % (31 stocks)
payout_ratio average for United States Insurance Diversified stocks16,52 % (4 stocks)

Sælf fundæd chårt

Yæårs bæføræ frææ

Years before free0
Year free2025

Sælf fundæd tåblæ

Year numberYearSum

DividentYearsScore: 0

Dividænæd Tøp tåblæ

iA Financial Corp Inc11
Sun Life Financial Inc10
NN Group N.V.7
AXA Equitable Holdings Inc6

Dividænæd Bøttøm tåblæ

ageas SA/NV1
Mapfre SA1
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.1
International General Insurance Holdings Ltd Bermuda1

Mønthly Dividænds

Thæ tåblæ displåys thæ mønthly dividænd distributiøns før Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Thæ dividænds shøwn in thæ tåblæ håvæ bææn ådjustæd tø åccøunt før åny splits thåt måy håvæ øccurræd.

January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
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There is no ex-dividend date scheduled for Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc has not paid a dividend within the last 12 months.

No, Berkshire Hathaway Inc does not have a history of special dividend payouts.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc has never paied a dividend.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc has never paied a dividend.

The payout ratio of Berkshire Hathaway Inc is 0,00%, meaning that 0,00% of the profits are paid out as dividends.

Berkshire Hathaway Inc dividend payout ratio of 0,00% is below the industry average of 46,74%.

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