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About Assura PLC

Market Capitalization 1.25B

Assura plc is a national healthcare premises specialist and UK REIT based in Altrincham, UK - caring for more than 600 primary healthcare buildings, from which over six million patients are served. A constituent of the FTSE 250 and the EPRA indices, as at 30 September 2023, Assura's portfolio was valued at £2.7 billion. At Assura, we BUILD for health. Assura builds better spaces for people and places, invests in skills and inspires new ways of working, and unlocks the power of design and innovation to deliver lasting impact for communities - aiming for six million people to have benefitted from improvements to and through its healthcare buildings by 2026. Assura is leading for a sustainable future, targeting net zero carbon across its portfolio by 2040.

Headquarters (address)

3 Barrington Road

Altrincham WA14 1GY

United Kingdom

Phone44 161 5524506
SectorReal Estate
IndustryREIT Healthcare Facilities
ExchangeLondon Stock Exchange
52 week range37.54 - 49.18
Market Capitalization1.25B
Dividend yield forward8.50 %
Dividend yield forward United Kingdom (ID:3, base:501) 7.11 %
P/E trailing19.30
P/E forward0.106
EPS United Kingdom (ID:3, base:634) 0.428

Dividend growth streak

Assura PLC has raised their dividend 11.00 years in a row. This is above the 4.483360 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Forward Annual Dividend Yield

Forward Annual Dividend Yield: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 8.50 years in a row. This is below the 41868.092400 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 3 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 3 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 4.65 years in a row. This is below the 24.016700 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 5 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 5 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 4.10 years in a row. This is below the 12.547200 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 10 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 10 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 10.51 years in a row. This is above the 10.157100 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Payout Ratio

Payout Ratio: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 76.00 years in a row. This is below the 147.720300 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Self funded year

Assura PLC years needed to self fund. This is above the 62.481481 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Dividend growth streak

Assura PLC has raised their dividend 11.00 years in a row. This is above the 4.483360 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Forward Annual Dividend Yield

Forward Annual Dividend Yield: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 8.50 years in a row. This is below the 41868.092400 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 3 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 3 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 4.65 years in a row. This is below the 24.016700 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 5 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 5 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 4.10 years in a row. This is below the 12.547200 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Compound Average Growth Rate 10 Years

Compound Average Growth Rate 10 Years: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 10.51 years in a row. This is above the 10.157100 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Payout Ratio

Payout Ratio: Assura PLC has raised their dividend 76.00 years in a row. This is below the 147.720300 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

Self funded year

Assura PLC years needed to self fund. This is above the 62.481481 year average in the 'REIT Healthcare Facilities' industry

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